REF: TWI 458 DATE: 3rd December 2012
EMBARGO: For Immediate Release
Market-leading loading and unloading equipment specialists Thorworld Industries has announced a new brand identity to combat economic fears, as the company aims to get SMEs "Loading and Unloading with Confidence."
With over thirty years’ experience in the manufacture and supply of mobile yardramps and other loading accessories, Thorworld has witnessed several periods where UK businesses have faced economic turbulence. The company believes that current growth is hindered primarily by uncertainty, meaning that many businesses are still unwilling to invest in materials handling equipment.
"The money is there, but confidence is not," explains John Meale, managing director of Thorworld Industries. "I keep hearing the familiar cry that ‘we’re not out of the woods yet,” but investing in the right equipment can actually mean a smoother journey out of trouble."
Meale adds that the issue is particularly acute for small-to-medium sized companies, who are most at risk should the economy wobble – but these are the very businesses who will benefit most by improving their loading and unloading processes.
"Too many companies assume that they can’t afford loading equipment and make do with practices that are ineffective and potentially hazardous. Not only does this slow down the process of getting goods out of the factory and onto the roads, but does not consider the costs associated with a single accident – from immediate downtime and repair bills, through to legislative fines and court settlements – which can cripple a company’s cashflow and reputation."
It is for these reasons that Thorworld has adopted the message of "Loading and Unloading with Confidence,” with a particular eye on the needs of SMEs. The attitude reflects the values of Thorworld’s own products, which are designed for safety, simplicity and cost savings.
For example, a mobile yardramp is a flexible means of increasing efficiency, enhancing safety and saving money where there is no dedicated, raised loading bay area. Better still, yardramps can be rented or purchased outright. "This makes them a more practical and lower-risk investment for smaller distributors or manufacturers than installing a fully integrated loading dock," advises John Meale.
Thorworld also supplies many other products designed to save companies money and increase safety, whilst also improving the environmental conditions for their employees. These include Dock Shelters, which can significantly improve the environment within a company and also save it considerable energy costs.
The choice of ‘Confidence’ as the company’s driving message for 2013 stems from Thorworld’s belief that the long-term success of British industry depends on improving the performance of small-to-medium enterprises. "As an SME ourselves, we understand their needs and we are interested in helping them," confirms John Meale.
"Such operators are the backbone of British industry, and we’re proud to assist their success by getting them loading and unloading more quickly, safely and effectively."
For more information on Thorworld loading and unloading equipment and to obtain a copy of the latest Thorworld product catalogue contact: Thorworld Industries Ltd, el: 01246 260981, Email: Web:
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Photo Caption:
Market-leading loading and unloading equipment specialists Thorworld Industries has announced a new brand identity to combat economic fears, as the company aims to get SMES "Loading and Unloading with Confidence."
McConnells Public Relations
49 Uttoxeter New Road
DE22 3NL
Tel: 01332 222900
Fax: 01332 222901
Contact: Simon Kinnear, PR Account Manager
Thorworld Industries Ltd
Station Lane Industrial Estate
Old Whittington
Derbyshire, S41 9QX
Tel: 01246 260981
Fax: 01246 260493
Contact: John Meale, Managing Director
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