"These stats confirm how important voucher codes have become to both consumers and retailers in the online shopping process," comments Dominic Yacoubian, CEO, VoucherComparison.com. "We expected the number of online shoppers searching for voucher codes to rise on Mega Monday but were amazed by precisely how much – the voucher code revolution has well and truly occurred."
"Consumers now expect retailers to offer voucher codes and so, of course, on Mega Monday retailers did just that in order to keep on a level playing field with their competitors. Online Christmas shoppers took full advantage of the situation and saved literally millions of pounds."
"Here at VoucherComparison we are anticipating next Monday 10th December to see even more retailers offering voucher codes and consumers searching for them in response to the traditional game of chicken between retailer and consumer that always takes place before Christmas."
About VoucherComparison.com
VoucherComparison.com is the world's first voucher comparison site, which is unique in allowing consumers to find the best offer for their intended purchase by comparing all available vouchers online in one place. The site is the brainchild of Dominic Yacoubian, a veteran of the voucher and online retail market to allow consumers to take advantage of the growing market for vouchers.
VoucherComparison.com is part of Clash Group, a digital-specific full-service advertising agency which offers targeted advertising services in both mobile and wider digital markets. VoucherComparison.com is one of a number of portals owned by Clash Group which link to key vertical markets such as the education sector.
For more information, please visit www.vouchercomparison.com
Natalie Rimmer
IBA – PR for VoucherComparison.com
Tel: 01780 721433
Email: nrimmer@iba-international.com
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